Insider's Blog

Why We Are DBL Ambassadors: Brent & Peggy Mershon

By January 31, 2020 No Comments

Brent & Peggy Mershon,
DBL Hearing Assistance Dog Clients

  1. Because we’re grateful for Hearing Assistance Dog Floyd and want to give back—in a very small way—to the organization that provided him to Brent.
  2. Because we love talking about Floyd! We were answering questions about Floyd and DBL anyway, so being Ambassadors just gives us more opportunities to share.
  3. Because we don’t live close enough to Oregon to be dog walkers! But we’re glad for the Ambassador program so we can support DBL from our home in Kentucky.
  4. Because we’re impressed with the commitment to DBL from their staff, volunteers, board members, community partners, and nationwide supporters. So many people can’t be wrong! In a variation of the saying, it really does take a village to raise an Assistance Dog.
  5. Because we’re appreciated by the DBL staff for the health fairs we attend, the library programs we present, the in-home interviews we conduct—all things we enjoy doing.

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