Dogs for Better Lives’ mission is to professionally train dogs to help people and enhance lives while maintaining a lifelong commitment to all dogs we rescue or breed and the people we serve.
Dogs for Better Lives’ mission is to professionally train dogs to help people and enhance lives while maintaining a lifelong commitment to all dogs we rescue or breed and the people we serve.
Why Statement
Why Statement
At Dogs for Better Lives we believe it’s an honor to be a part of something bigger than ourselves and we're impassioned with what we do. Operating as a team, we put the mission above the individual, trusting in one another to break through challenges and obstacles to maintain our mission of bettering lives by matching people with the amazing dogs we train.
Value 1:
Care for the dogs by keeping their wellbeing (physical, emotional and mental) at the root of all decisions made on their behalf. Care for clients by providing our services with kindness, compassion and patience. Care for donors by being responsible stewards of our “donor dollars” through mindful and conscientious use of company time and money.
Value 2:
The mission comes first. While we aim to grow and scale, we do not sacrifice quality, our longstanding commitment to supporting our clients, or risk the well-being of our dogs, in pursuit of growth.
Value 3:
We challenge the status quo and point out whenever someone says, “Because we’ve always done it that way.” If we don’t know why we do something, we find out why and determine if it’s the best way.
Value 4:
We show respect by first seeking to understand a differing point of view through active listening. We show respect for work environment by carrying a sense of legacy, “leave it better than you find it.”
Value 5:
Our goal is to support and encourage people to be the best version of themselves whether that is at Dogs for Better Lives or beyond. We do this through accountability, encouragement, support, and training.
Value 6:
It is the organization’s duty to do our best to lessen our impact on the environment and the strain we put on finite resources. By focusing on being an environmentally friendly organization, we will not only protect our world for generations to come but also better steward the resources given to us.