Board Member

Has responsibility for policy making and fiduciary reviews of the non- profit organization Dogs for Better Lives.


  • Sincere interest in assisting the mission of Dogs for Better Lives.


  • Use services on this Board solely to advance the stated mission of Dogs for Better Lives.
  • Attend at least 75% of all scheduled Board Meetings and be familiar with any Board materials sent prior to the meeting.
  • Participate on committees and task groups; attend community events and Dogs for Better Lives functions as appropriate.
  • Use any special talents and abilities to enhance the organization.
  • Support the organization financially.
  • Participate in Board orientation to gain knowledge of the organization.
  • Take a pro-active approach to identify potential volunteers, program development opportunities, and funding support.
  • Commit to upholding the integrity of Dogs for Better Lives.
  • Have a clear understanding of the Board’s role and responsibility regarding staff matters and follow all Personnel Policies regarding operations, including but not limited to, the grievance procedure.
  • Make a three-year commitment to Board membership.
  • Keep sensitive agency information confidential.
  • Approach each Board issue with an open mind, prepared to make the best decision for Dogs for Better Lives. based on the most current information available.
  • Exercise authority as a Board Member only when participating in Board meetings or when delegated to represent the Board.
  • Fulfill agreed upon commitments in a timely fashion.

Board Secretary

Has responsibility for policy making and fiduciary reviews of the non-profit organization Dogs for Better Lives. Serves on the Executive Committee and the Regular Board and performs duties as delegated by the Chair.


  • Must have a high commitment level to Dogs for Better Lives in order to provide example to other Board Members.
  • Must have a clear understanding of the mission and work of Dogs for Better Lives.


In addition to the normal Board Member responsibilities, the Board Secretary shall:

  • Serve on the Executive Committee.
  • Work with Dogs for Better Lives management as needed between meetings.
  • Provide direction and positive example to the rest of the Board Members.
  • Sign resolutions

Board Vice-Chair

Has responsibility for policy making and fiduciary reviews of the non-profit organization Dogs for Better Lives. Serve on the Executive Committee and the regular Board and performs the Board Chair duties, in the Board Chair’s absence.


  • Must have the leadership skills to run meetings efficiently.
  • Must have high commitment level to Dogs for Better Lives in order to provide example to other Board Members.
  • Must have a clear understanding of the mission and work of Dogs for Better Lives.


In addition to the normal Board Member responsibilities, the Board Vice-Chair shall perform the following duties in the Chair’s absence:

  • Serve as the Chair of both the Executive Committee and the regular Board.
  • Run the Executive Committee meetings and the regular Board meetings.
  • Work with Dogs for Better Lives management as needed between meetings.
  • Provide direction and positive example to the rest of the Board Members.

Board Chair-Elect

Has responsibility for policy making and fiduciary reviews of the non-profit organization Dogs for Better Lives. Serves on the Executive Committee and the regular Board and grooms to become the Board Chair.


  • Must have the leadership skills to run meetings efficiently.
  • Must have a high commitment level to Dogs for Better Lives in order to provide example to other Board Members.
  • Must have a clear understanding of the mission and work of Dogs for Better Lives.


In addition to the normal Board Member responsibilities, the Board Chair-Elect shall:

  • Serve on the Executive Committee.
  • Learn as much as possible about the workings of Dogs for Better Lives in order to prepare to become Board Chair.
  • Commit to serving a two-year term as Board Chair.

Board Chair

Has responsibility for policy making and fiduciary reviews of the non-profit organization Dogs for Better Lives. The Board Chair is the leader of the Board and serves on the Executive Committee and the regular Board.


  • Must have the leadership skills to run meetings efficiently.
  • Must have high commitment level to Dogs for Better Lives in order to provide a good example to other Board Members.
  • Must have a clear understanding of the mission and work of Dogs for Better Lives.


In addition to the normal Board Member responsibilities, the Board Chair shall:

  • Serve as the Chair of both the Executive Committee and the regular Board for a twoyear period.
  • Run the Executive Committee meetings and the regular Board meetings.
  • Work with Dogs for Better Lives management as needed between meetings.
  • Provide direction and positive example to the rest of the Board Members.